mēs esam māsas // we are sisters
Autors: Linda Vītuma
We are sisters on a journey, singing now as one
Shining through the darkest night.
The healing has begun, begun,
The healing has begun.
Mēs esam viena ceļa māsas, kuras dzied kā viena
Mirdzot cauri tumšākajai naktij.
Dziedināšanās ir sākusies.
We are sisters on a journey, shining now as one.
Remembering the ancient one,
The women and the wisdom.
The women and the wisdom.
Mēs esam viena ceļa māsas, kuras mirdz kā viena.
Atceroties savus senčus,
Sievietes un gudrību.
We are sisters on a journey, watching life unfold
Sharing warmth of heart and hands.
The knowledge of the old, the old
The knowledge of the old.
Mēs esam viena ceļa māsas, kuras redz, kā dzīvība atveras
Daloties ar savas sirds un roku siltumu
Un senajām grudrībām.
We are sisters on a journey, standing at the door.
Remembering what passed long ago.
Let's turn the key once more, once more.
Let's turn the key once more.
Mēs esam viena ceļa māsas, kuras stāv druvju priekša.
Atceroties sen pagājušo.
Atslēdzam durvis vēlreiz.