J249 - Kvēlnakts — Kvēlnakts! - Emīlija Dikinsone

Autors: Linda Vītuma



Kvēlnakts — Kvēlnakts!

Ar tevi ja esmu

Kvēlnakts ir

Pārpilnība mūsu! 


Ir velti — Vēji — 

Tai Sirdij kas ostā —

Kompass ir lieks — 

Karte ir lieka! 


Caur Ēdeni iros — 

Ak, šī Jūra!

Vai drīkstu es Šonakt — tauvoties — 


J249*, 1861



Wild nights - Wild nights!

Were I with thee

Wild nights should be

Our luxury!


Futile - the winds -

To a Heart in port -

Done with the Compass -

Done with the Chart!


Rowing in Eden -

Ah, the Sea!

Might I but moor - tonight -

In thee!

J249, 1861


* Mēģinājums atšķetināt vārsmu nozīmi... vēstulēs...

L209I am pleasantly located in the deep sea, but love will row you out if her hands are strong

L559the exultation floods me. I cannot find my channel - the Creek turns Sea - at thought of thee -

L332Dying is a wild Night and a new Road

L268When I state myself, as the Representative of the Verse-it does not mean-me-but a supposed person

L567was himself Eden, he is with Eden
