J111 - Bite nebaidās no manis - Emīlija Dikinsone
Autors: Linda Vītuma
BMA Classics · The Bee is not afraid of me
Bite nebaidās no manis.
Tauriņu es zinu.
Glīti ļaudis Meža vidū
Mani sveic no visas sirds —
Strauts smej skaļāk kad es nāku —
Vēsmām deja trakulīga;
Kāpēc man acīs sidrabmigla,
Kāpēc, Ak Diena Vasarīgā*?
J111, 1859
The Bee is not afraid of me.
I know the Butterfly.
The pretty people in the Woods
Receive me cordially —
The Brooks laugh louder when I come —
The Breezes madder play;
Wherefore mine eye thy silver mists,
Wherefore, Oh Summer's Day?
* atrodi atbildi Šekspīrā? - And summer's lease hath all too short a date