J94 - Eņģeļi tik agros rītos - Emīlija Dikinsone

Autors: Linda Vītuma

 oddrun eikli · Angels, in the early morning. Yann Kifer and Oddrun Eikli.

Eņģeļi tik agros rītos

Rases lāsēs redzam tos,

Pieliec — noplūc — smaida — lido

Vai Pumpurus tie pielaiko? 


Eņģeļi tik karstā saulē

Smilšu graudos redzam tos,

Pieliec — noplūc — elpē — lido —

Līdzņemtie ziedi izgaro. 

J94, 1859



Angels, in the early morning

May be seen the Dews among,

Stooping — plucking — smiling — flying —

Do the Buds to them belong?


Angels, when the sun is hottest

May be seen the sands among,

Stooping — plucking — sighing — flying —

Parched the flowers they bear along.

J94, 1859
