J7 - Ikkatra pēda mājup ceļā - Emīlija Dikinsone

Autors: Linda Vītuma

Katra peda
Avots: Emily Dickinson Archive*

Ikkatra pēda mājup ceļā

Jūt prieku sandalēs  

Krokuss  pirms ir pamodies

Kalps sniega vērpetēs  

Čukst lūpas Aleluja

Jau gadiem garlaikoti

Līdz atkal Laivinieki

Dzied krastā aplaimoti.


Pērle Nirējam ir cents

Gūts no Jūras dzelmes  

Spārni  furgons Serafam

Kājinieks kas bij’  kā mēs  

Nakts ir rītam Kanva

Laupījums  mantojums  

Nāve mūsu uzmanību ved

Tur kur Mūžīgums.


Nekas man nespēj pateikt

Cik tālu Ciemats ir  

Kur nabagi ir Enģeli  

Kur Pūrvietas ir debess punkti 

Pat mani Gudrie seju slēpj  

Vien ticība, kas Tumsu godā  

Redz, kā no viņas cellēm cēlām

Patiesi atdzimšana rodas.

J7, 1858


The feet of people walking home

With gayer sandals go —

The Crocus — til she rises

The Vassal of the snow —

The lips at Hallelujah

Long years of practise bore

Til bye and bye these Bargemen

Walked singing on the shore.


Pearls are the Diver's farthings

Extorted from the Sea —

Pinions — the Seraph's wagon

Pedestrian once — as we —

Night is the morning's Canvas

Larceny — legacy —

Death, but our rapt attention

To Immortality.


My figures fail to tell me

How far the Village lies —

Whose peasants are the Angels —

Whose Cantons dot the skies —

My Classics veil their faces —

My faith that Dark adores —

Which from its solemn abbeys

Such resurrection pours.

J7, 1858

* Credits

Houghton Library, Harvard University,  Cambridge, MA


Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886. Poems: Packet X, Mixed Fascicles. Includes 14 poems, written in ink, ca. 1858-1862. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Houghton Library - (45) The feet of people walking home, J7, Fr16

Publication History

SH (1914), 90-91, from the copy thought to have been sent to Susan (C). Poems (1955), 9-10 (A summarized, B principal, C summarized; without D); CP (1960), 8-9 (A). MB (1981), 11-12 (A) and 293-94 (B), in facsimile. (J7). Franklin Variorum 1998 (F16B).

 -History from Franklin Variorum 1998


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